Category: NetApp

Powershell – Provision NetApp Volume as NFS Datastore to vCenter

Powershell – Provision NetApp Volume as NFS Datastore to vCenter

powercli-iconFor anyone that’s ever been through the process of provisioning a new datastore to multiple ESX hosts, you know it can take some time. Below are the steps I use

  1. Create Volume on NetApp
  2. Set Security Style to Unix
  3. Enable Storage Efficiency
  4. Set NFS Export permissions to allow Read/Write + Root Permissions to all applicable hosts
  5. Mount datastores on ESXi hosts

For a handful of hosts this is fine, but adding it to anything more than 4-5 hosts is reaaally painful in my experience. Below is a script you can use to take care of these steps in one swipe.

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NetApp: Get Statistics from Multiple Filers With One Command

NetApp: Get Statistics from Multiple Filers With One Command

Does anyone actually find NetApp OnCommand System Commander to be fast enough for normal operation? I’ll admit, I still create a good amount of Volumes and LUNs using it, but it leaves a lot to be desired in the performance category.  If you follow my blog at all, you know that I’m in the middle of a migration from a non-ha exchange environment to a DAG. Being the sensible admin that I am, I have multiple copies of my Exchange databases on different storage arrays, controlled by different NetApp filers. Using System Manager to monitor the space usage of the Volumes hosting my mailbox databases is way to slow for my comfort.

Continue reading “NetApp: Get Statistics from Multiple Filers With One Command”

Monitor NetApp SnapMirror via Solarwinds Server and Application Monitor

Monitor NetApp SnapMirror via Solarwinds Server and Application Monitor

So yesterday I talked about using a Powershell script with in Solarwinds to monitor volume sizes. Using the NetApp Data ONTAP Toolkit, we have the ability to do monitor a lot of different things, and track the information using Solarwinds. In this post I will show how to monitor SnapMirror relationships using Solarwinds.

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Monitor NetApp SAN via Solarwinds Server and Application Monitor

Monitor NetApp SAN via Solarwinds Server and Application Monitor

I was unable to find any examples for how to do this online, so I came up with my own solution using the NetApp Data ONTAP toolkit as well as a slight modification of your powershell profile.

Continue reading “Monitor NetApp SAN via Solarwinds Server and Application Monitor”

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