Category: Random

Potato Burger

Potato Burger

This is probably the cheapest recipe I know.

What you need:
1 potato
1/4 cup flour, maybe less
olive oil
any seasonings you want, I use garlic powder, salt, and pepper

Shred the potato with a cheese grater. Squeeze out some of the liquid over the sink. Mix in some flour until it’s just a sticky mess. Heat up a skillet on medium and put a few splashes of olive oil on the pan. Make some patties with the potato, and fry just like a regular burger.

Serve with ketchup/catsup and toast (using any bread nearby).

EDIT: When you squeeze out the juice, dryer is better. It gets more crispy and isn’t as starchy.



I’m posting this from a Firefox extension called JustBlogIt. You can find it here. It puts a new item in your right-click menu and let’s you blog links and pages that you find.  Only problem is, that function doesn’t work with Drupal. I’m sure it’s supposed to, but I’m not sure exactly how Drupal works, so all I can get is the page to post content.

Holy Smokes Batman!!

Holy Smokes Batman!!

Well that was close.

As you can probably tell, my server’s been down for about a day. A day during which almost all of my time was spent getting this server back up.

I decided to switch from Redhat based Centos 4.1 to Debian Sarge (3.1). The operating system install was extremely easy as well as the *first round* of server app installs.

I have to finish up getting the rest of this site working, but I’ll definitely post more later.

OH, and if you caught the single post that I did on the wordpress install, disregard the whole thing about the database backup script. It works great, and I couldn’t be more happy with it.

More later,



Okay, so I decided that doing a “command of the day” every Monday is a little bit boring. I’ll find some commands every once in a while that I find interesting.

About the Podcast:
Everything is set to start recording except one thing. We don’t have a time that we can get together. So, we are still interested in doing it, it’s just a little hard right now.

More Later,
Jon Howe

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