I created a new version of this script here
I recently completed a project that involved migrating Exchange 2010 Mailbox role from a standalone server to a Database Availability Group, or DAG. This was a large project that took a lot of time and planning, and had the potential to be very tedious. Fortunately, with a little knowhow, you can automate many of the tedious tasks.
I wanted to be in full control of mailbox migration, so my requirements were fairly strict:
- Don’t just submit all mailbox move requests en masse
- Submit move requests in “Suspended” status, so that I can
manuallyrelease them at a later time - Move smallest mailboxes first, and progress gradually to big mailboxes
- Chose best destination mailbox database
- I define best as the database with the most free space.
- Only pull mailboxes from one mailbox database at a time
The script below will accomplish these objectives.
Keep in mind, your destination mailbox database is likely named differently than mine – make sure you change it on line number 21.
I’ll post the script I use to release these suspended jobs systematically at a later date.
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$BatchSize = 5 $sourceMailboxDatabase = "Mailbox Database 1" Write-Host "Creating Move Requests and Suspending them" $allmbx = Get-Mailbox -database $sourceMailboxDatabase | Get-MailboxStatistics | Sort-Object TotalItemSize | Select-Object DisplayName,TotalItemSize $AllMBXCount = $allmbx.count Write-Host "There are" $AllMBXCount "mailboxes to be migrated" Start-Sleep -Seconds 8 $batch = 1 for ($i=1;$i -le $AllMBXCount;$i++) { if ($i % $BatchSize -eq 0) { #write-host "Batch $batch" -ForegroundColor 'DarkCyan' $result = Get-MailboxDatabase -identity "DAG*" -Status | Select-Object name,DatabaseSize,AvailableNewMailboxSpace | Sort-Object -Property DatabaseSize $bestDatabase = $result[0].name $batch++ } Write-Host "New Move - Batch:" $batch "-" $bestDatabase "/" $allmbx[$i].DisplayName -ForegroundColor 'DarkGreen' New-MoveRequest -TargetDatabase $bestDatabase -Suspend -Identity $allmbx[$i].DisplayName -BatchName "Batch $batch" | out-null } |
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