In June I added a post on how to migrate exchange 2010 mailboxes to an Exchange 2010 DAG in a controlled fashion. Since then I’ve completely restructured the script and made it an all-in-one solution.
The first section of the script contains variables that need to be set.
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#region ======================================================================== # Created on: 9/3/2013 8:01 PM # Created by: Jon Howe # URL: # Filename: Set-MailboxMoveActive-v2.ps1 #endregion ======================================================================== #region Set Variables #Amount of mailboxes to migrate at a time $BatchSize = 5 #Mailbox DB to pull mailboxes from $sourceMailboxDatabase = "Mailbox Database 3" #Default amount of time to sleep when we hit a roadblock $sleepMinutes = 20 #Time to start migrating mailboxes $startTime = Get-Date -Hour 23 -Minute 00 -Second 00 #Time to stop migrating mailboxes $stopTime = Get-Date -Hour 05 -Minute 00 -Second 00 #Array containing all of your DAG servers (used to check disk space) $DAG_Servers = @("EXCH-DAG-A","EXCH-DAG-B") #OS label for the DAG DAGA/Log drives on your DAG servers. $OS_Label_Prefix = "DAGDB*" #Threshold for stopping the migration (in bytes) $MinOSDriveFreeBytes = 16106127360 #32212254720 is 30GB, 16106127360 is 15GB #endregion Set Variables $PS_Is_Awesome = $TRUE #!!! While ($PS_IS_Awesome) #region Main Loop { #region Check for Business Hours if ( (Get-Date) -gt $stopTime -and (Get-Date) -lt $startTime ) #region In Business Hours { Write-Host "We're in business hours. Sleeping..." -ForegroundColor 'DarkCyan' Start-Sleep -Seconds ($sleepMinutes * 60) } #endregion In Business Hours else #region Out of Business Hours { #region Check to make sure drive space isn't too low foreach($mbx in $DAG_Servers) { $space = ` get-WmiObject win32_volume -ComputerName $mbx | select driveletter,label,freespace,capacity | where {$_.label -like $OS_Label_Prefix} foreach($drive in $space) { $human_freespace = [math]::Round($drive.freespace / (1024*1024*1024),1) if ($drive.freespace -lt $MinOSDriveFreeBytes) { Write-Host "Drive" $drive.driveletter "on server $mbx with label" $drive.label "is under 30 GB. It's currently at" $human_freespace "GB..." write-host "Sleeping for $sleepMinutes minutes." -ForegroundColor 'DarkCyan' for ($i = 1; $i -le ($sleepMinutes * 60); $i++) { Write-Progress -Activity 'Drive Space is too low. Waiting until it frees up.' -Status "We've waited $i Seconds" -SecondsRemaining (($sleepMinutes * 60)-$i) sleep -Seconds 1 } } } } #endregion Check to make sure drive space isn't too low #region Check to see if a move-request is currently occurring if (Get-MoveRequest | Where-Object { $_.Status -eq "Queued" -or $_.Status -eq "InProgress" -or $_.Status -eq "CompletionInProgress"}) { Write-Host "There are move requests currently processing. Sleeping for $sleepMinutes minutes" -ForegroundColor 'DarkCyan' for ($i = 1; $i -le ($sleepMinutes * 60); $i++) { Write-Progress -Activity "Can't begin if move requests are already running. Waiting for them to complete" -Status "We've waited $i Seconds" -SecondsRemaining (($sleepMinutes * 60)-$i) sleep -Seconds 1 } continue } #endregion Check to see if a move-request is currently occurring #region General information display and information gathering. Write-Host "We're out of business hours, drive space looks good, and there are no batches running" -ForegroundColor 'Yellow' write-host "Let's submit one!" -ForegroundColor 'Yellow' # Get Mailbox Sizes Write-Host "Getting Mailbox Sizes" -ForegroundColor 'Blue' $allmbx = Get-Mailbox -database $sourceMailboxDatabase | Get-MailboxStatistics | Sort-Object TotalItemSize | Select-Object DisplayName,TotalItemSize #endregion General information display and information gathering. # Submit move requests to best datatabase Write-Host "Submitting move requests now" -ForegroundColor 'Blue' $batch = 1 for ($i=1;$i -le 5;$i++) #region For Loop { #region Determine the best database to send mailboxes to if ($i % $BatchSize -eq 0) { # Find best Database $result = Get-MailboxDatabase -identity "DAG*" -Status | Select-Object name,DatabaseSize,AvailableNewMailboxSpace | Sort-Object -Property DatabaseSize $bestDatabase = $result[0].name $batch++ } #endregion Determine the best database to send mailboxes to #Submit the mailbox move requests Write-Host "New Move -" $allmbx[$i].DisplayName "to DB" $bestDatabase -ForegroundColor 'DarkGreen' New-MoveRequest -TargetDatabase $bestDatabase -Identity $allmbx[$i].DisplayName | out-null } #endregion For Loop Write-Host "Batches submitted. Sleeping for $sleepMinutes minutes" -ForegroundColor 'DarkCyan' for ($i = 1; $i -le ($sleepMinutes * 60); $i++) { Write-Progress -Activity 'Waiting while move requests complete' -Status "We've waited $i Seconds" -SecondsRemaining (($sleepMinutes * 60)-$i) sleep -Seconds 1 } } #endregion Out of Business Hours #endregion Check for Business Hours } #endregion Main Loop |
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