Continuing my series on provisioning VMs on workstation pro outside of the GUI, I’ve got a functional script that will create a linked clone using the vmrun command.
It allows you to specify the following options on the command line:
- Username in the provisioned VM
- Password in the provisioned VM
- Source Template
- Snapshot used for linked clone
- Name of new VM
It completes the following tasks
- Clones virtual machine
- Modifies the new VM’s VMX file to show the correct name
- Powers on the new VM (which also registers it to Workstation)
- Copies a script from the host to the VM as soon as VMware tools is available
- Copies output from the script from the VM to the host machine and prints output to the screen
- Prints the IP of the VM as soon as it’s available
The output looks like this:
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$ ./ --user root --pass [obfuscated] \ --template /storage/virtual_machines/Ubuntu_1810_Template/Ubuntu_1810_Template.vmx \ --snapshot base-4 --name test1 Parameters are: User=root Pass=[obfuscated] Template Name=/storage/virtual_machines/Ubuntu_1810_Template/Ubuntu_1810_Template.vmx Snapshot Name=base-4 New VM Name=test1 Cloning Ubuntu_1810_Template to test1 and using the snapshot: base-4 Powering on test1 Waiting for VMware Tools to start .. Copying script to change the hostname from the host to the guest Running custom script in test1 to set the hostname and rebooting Waiting for VMware Tools to start Copying output to local machine Below is the output from the OS Customization: Current hostname is ubuntu_1810_template. Hostname will be changed to test1 Waiting for the VM to return an IP Address ...... VM is running and has the IP Address: Script took 77 seconds to execute |
You can find the script source code below and on github:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 |
#Original Locations: #Blog: #Github: #Example: --user root --pass [pass] --template /storage/virtual_machines/Ubuntu_1810_Template/Ubuntu_1810_Template.vmx --snapshot base-4 --name test1 TEMP=`getopt -o u:,p:,n:,t:,s: --long user:,pass:,name:,template:,snapshot: -n 'clone_workstation_vm' -- "$@"` if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echo "Terminating..." >&2 ; exit 1 ; fi eval set -- "$TEMP" VMRUN=/usr/bin/vmrun #Do not edit below this line SOURCEVM= SOURCESNAPSHOT= DESTINATIONVMNAME= GUESTUSER= GUESTPASS= echo "Parameters are:" while true; do case "$1" in -u | --user ) GUESTUSER=$2;echo "User=$GUESTUSER"; shift 2 ;; -p | --pass ) GUESTPASS=$2;echo "Pass=$GUESTPASS"; shift 2 ;; -n | --name ) DESTINATIONVMNAME=$2;echo "New VM Name=$DESTINATIONVMNAME"; shift 2 ;; -s | --snapshot ) SOURCESNAPSHOT=$2;echo "Snapshot Name=$SOURCESNAPSHOT"; shift 2 ;; -t | --template ) SOURCEVM=$2;echo "Template Name=$SOURCEVM"; shift 2 ;; -- ) shift; break ;; * ) break ;; esac done echo wait_for_vmware_tools() { CMD=$1 USER=$2 PASS=$3 VM=$4 echo "Waiting for VMware Tools to start" until ($CMD -T ws -gu $USER -gp $PASS CheckToolsState $VM | grep -q "running"); do printf '.' sleep 5; done sleep 10 echo } wait_for_vm_ip() { CMD=$1 USER=$2 PASS=$3 VM=$4 echo "Waiting for the VM to return an IP Address" until ($CMD -t ws -gu $USER -gp $PASS getGuestIPAddress $VM | grep -q -v "Error: Unable to get the IP address"); do printf "." sleep 5 done sleep 10 echo IP="$($CMD -t ws -gu $USER -gp $PASS getGuestIPAddress $VM)" echo "VM is running and has the IP Address: $IP" echo } clone_workstation_vm() { SOURCE=$1 DESTINATION=$2 SNAPSHOT=$3 USER=$4 PASS=$5 SOURCEVMX="${SOURCE##*/}" SOURCEVMNAME="${SOURCEVMX%%.*}" NEWVM=/storage/virtual_machines/$DESTINATION/$DESTINATION.vmx echo "Cloning $SOURCEVMNAME to $DESTINATION and using the snapshot: $SNAPSHOT" $VMRUN -T ws -gu $USER -gp $PASS clone $SOURCE $NEWVM linked $SNAPSHOT sed -i "s/displayName = \"Clone of $SOURCEVMNAME\"/displayName = \"$DESTINATION\"/g" $NEWVM echo "Powering on $DESTINATION" $VMRUN -t ws -gu $USER -gp $PASS start $NEWVM wait_for_vmware_tools $VMRUN $USER $PASS $NEWVM echo "Copying script to change the hostname from the host to the guest" currentDir="${0%/*}" $VMRUN -t ws -gu $USER -gp $PASS copyFileFromHostToGuest $NEWVM $currentDir"/" /tmp/ echo "Running custom script in $DESTINATION to set the hostname and rebooting" $VMRUN -t ws -gu $USER -gp $PASS runProgramInGuest $NEWVM /tmp/ "$DESTINATION" wait_for_vmware_tools $VMRUN $USER $PASS $NEWVM echo "Copying output to local machine" $VMRUN -t ws -gu $USER -gp $PASS copyFileFromGuestToHost $NEWVM /var/log/oscustomization.log $currentDir"/"$DESTINATION"_Customization.log" echo echo "Below is the output from the OS Customization:" cat $currentDir"/"$DESTINATION"_Customization.log" wait_for_vm_ip $VMRUN $USER $PASS $NEWVM } start=`date +%s` clone_workstation_vm $SOURCEVM $DESTINATIONVMNAME $SOURCESNAPSHOT $GUESTUSER $GUESTPASS end=`date +%s` runtime=$((end-start)) echo "Script took $runtime seconds to execute" |